Starting Friday night, hoarding will be installed to create a tunnel that will facilitate access to the aquatics area.
Update Snapshot 📸
- Hoarding installed to create tunnel to the aquatics area.
- Members can still enter aquatics area via turnstiles by scanning member band.
- Casual patrons will need to show proof of entry prior to entering the aquatics area.
- A concierge will be stationed at the entry point for assistance.
Access to Aquatics is changing!
Construction in the original administration area will commence from Friday 5 April, to install hoarding to create a tunnel that will facilitate access to the aquatics area. Additional hoarding will be erected next week, blocking off the old reception area to allow builders to commence works on the new offices above the current administration area, to free up the health club to be reconfigured down the track.
During this construction phase, there will be some adjustments to access for the safety of both our staff and patrons.
What does this mean for members?
While the tunnel is in operation, the two middle gates will remain accessible. Members can continue to enter through the turnstiles of the aquatics area by scanning their member band.
To ensure smooth flow, one turnstile will be designated for entering, while the other will be for exiting. Additionally, a concierge will be stationed at the entry point to assist members if needed.
What does this mean for casual patrons?
During this phase, the current casual entry gate and exit gate will not be in operation. Casual patrons will need to access the aquatics area through the turnstiles, like members.
Upon payment at the temporary reception, casuals will receive a stamp or receipt, which will need to be presented to the concierge before entering. This will serve as proof of entry.
The access way to aquatics:
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