Current as of January 2025
1.1 Day-to-day interpretation of these By-Laws shall be at the responsibility of the most senior official present at the time of report investigation, including (but not limited to):
1.2 Players participate in all sports competitions at Cockburn ARC at their own risk.
1.3 Appeals against interpretation of these By-Laws must be lodged in writing to the Cockburn ARC Sports Team Leader within 24 hours of receiving the notice of penalty/reprimand.
1.4 Management of Cockburn ARC reserves the right to change or amend the By-Laws at any time without prior notice. Cockburn ARC will inform teams of significant changes and it is the teams’ responsibility to remain up to date with the rules of participation.
1.5 Please refer to the sport-specific rules for general play requirements.
1.6 Local Laws shall apply unless otherwise specified in these By-Laws.
2.1 The registration process is to be completed online on the Spawtz registration portal as found on the Cockburn ARC website.
2.2 When registering a team at Cockburn ARC, you are agreeing to participate in all fixtures, inclusive of grading and finals, and agree to payment of associated game fees.
2.3 The Cockburn ARC reserve the right to refuse team names that may be considered offensive, inappropriate or are similar to an existing team at the discretion of the Sports Team Leader. Inappropriate team names are defined as any name involving political, military, sexual or religious connotations.
2.4 No guarantee is given that this application will be successful, registrations are only confirmed upon release of the first fixture. Where teams cannot be included in the competition, they will be notified (no charges will be made to a nominated credit card in such instances).
2.5 Registrations must be fully completed, including a nominated credit card, full names, email addresses and contact numbers of all players.
2.5.1 Team managers will be required to submit a list of full names and contact details to the Sports inbox by the end of the three (3) week grading period. Should any player be found unregistered after this period they may be subject to penalties outlined in Appendix 2.
2.6 At the conclusion of each season, teams wishing to participate in following seasons must re-register in full. Teams will not be automatically rolled over into new seasons.
2.7 New teams joining the competition after the start of a season can be introduced into a competition (where possible) but will only be eligible to play in the finals at the discretion of the Sports Team Leader. Fairness to all participating teams will be considered when making this decision.
2.8 Cockburn ARC reserve the right to remove any team or individual registrations or participation from the competition at any time.
3.1 Upon registering as an individual you are agreeing to share your contact information with teams seeking players in a permanent or casual capacity.
3.2 Registering as an individual does not guarantee that you will join or play for a team.
3.3 Those registering as an individual agree for Cockburn ARC to share their contact information (Name & email) with other registered individuals in order to create a team.
4.1 Teams are to register all players as per Clause 2.5 above. Failure to do so will result in team members not being notified of important competition information (including fixtures and potential ineligibility for finals games.
4.2 Team Captains/Managers must check in their team ahead of every fixture via their online account.
4.3 To be eligible to play in top four (4) finals, players must play a minimum of four (4) games within the regular season, including grading. Illegal players will be penalised according to Clause 11 of the Cockburn ARC By-Laws.
4.4 Minimum age to participate in the Senior Social Sports competition is 16 years old as of round one (1) of that season. No underage participants are permitted, nor will requests be considered.
4.4.1 Should a participant turn 16 years old during the season, they may participate on the proviso they are registered appropriate and 16 years of age at the time of taking the court.
4.5 Teams are required to provide at least 7 days notice in order to request a change to a scheduled fixture due to automated comms, there is no guarantee that this request will be met.
Juniors Social Sports Specific:
4.6 Players must be younger than the division they are participating in. If a player turns the age of the age group they are participating in during the season, it must be made known to Management.
4.7.1 If a player is older than the division they are participating in prior to or at the start of the season, they shall be deemed an illegal player as per Clause 10.
4.7.2 If a team has one (1) or more illegal players that are older than the division they are participating in, they will be required to move up a division at Management’s discretion.
4.7.3 All division changes will be considered equally and fairly and will be subject to division availability and number of participating teams.
5.1 In order to complete the team registration process, teams are required to nominate a credit card to the team’s account through the Spawtz registration portal. This is the only formal payment method accepted.
5.2 The method of payment is a weekly payment only. The Cockburn ARC will not accept any upfront payments.
5.3 The weekly payment amounts to $77.00 per team per game for Seniors and $66.00 per team per game for Juniors, with no registration fees prior to the season commencing.
5.4 Senior Social Sports Teams will have the option to use a shared will have the option to use a shared payment model. Team organisers will receive an email five (5) days prior to an upcoming fixture to opt in to join or use the shared payment model.
5.5 The weekly game fee will be debited from the nominated credit card/s the day before a team’s scheduled match.
5.6 If payment is declined, the debit will re-attempt on the morning of your game. If it fails a second time, payment will incur an additional $10.00 fee. Game payment will then be $87.00 for Seniors and $76.00 for Juniors.
5.6.1 All teams making a late payment must pay by 5pm of the day of their fixture to avoid the late payment fee of $10.00, to be paid manually through their Spawtz portal. If either of these payment methods is used after 5pm, the late payment fee will be applied.
5.7 Any forfeit fees incurred will be applied to that team’s account and debited in the next cycle in accordance to The Cockburn ARC’s Forfeit Policy (see Clause 18).
5.8 No pay, no play: All outstanding fees must be paid prior to the commencement of a team's fixture. Cockburn ARC reserve the right to refuse a fixture from commencing should outstanding fees not be paid, this will result in late points (see Clause 13) being applied to the team with outstanding fees.
6.1 Players are welcome to feature in multiple sides during a regular season (including within the same division of the same sport). If a player qualifies for finals for two sides in the same division, they may only represent one team during the entire finals series (semi-finals and grand finals).
6.2 Players from any team (regardless of division) during a regular season are permitted to fill in for another side to meet the minimum number of players required to start a game. This is only permissible when a team is short of regular players, and Management reserves the right to deny a player from filling in for a side if it is deemed unsportsmanlike.
7.1 The intention of the grading period is to provide each team with an appropriate level of competition. Each competition will usually have a grading period of three (3) weeks. Throughout the grading period teams will be assessed by the following criteria:
7.2 Teams may request grades with sufficient reasoning, however, will not be guaranteed a spot in the requested grade.
7.3 Any grade change requests made by the team will only be considered within the first four (4) weeks of the season, including the grading period. To request a grade change, submit a written request to by Friday of Week four (4).
7.4 All grade change requests will be considered equally and fairly and will be subject to division availability and number of participating teams.
7.5 Any grade changes are at the discretion of the Sports Management Team and are in no way guaranteed.
7.6 All teams are required to play a minimum of two (2) grading fixtures. If a team does not participate in two (2) grading fixtures they will be unable to submit a grade change request.
8.1 Prior to the game commencing, all teams are required to have paid their all outstanding fees.
8.2 All teams must provide their own scorer for the duration of the match. Teams are therefore responsible for monitoring the scores during the game, and umpires/referees will not be held responsible for scoring errors in the event a scorer is not provided from one or both teams
8.3 The team will be held responsible for the conduct of its members and spectators, and all parties shall be subject to the Behaviour Management Guidelines as provided for in Appendix 1.
8.4 Any player or spectator suspected to be under the influence of drugs/alcohol will be denied entry to the facility and/or asked to leave the premises immediately. If this request is disregarded the matter will be reported to the Operations Supervisor, Security, CoSafe and/or Police in accordance with The Cockburn ARC’s operating standards.
8.5 Any disputes to decisions made on-court can be made to the umpire/referee or Sports Management Team at half time, or upon conclusion of the match. Any and all disputes must be communicated in line with the Cockburn ARC’s Code of Conduct.
8.6 It is the responsibility of the team organiser to raise in game penalty concerns to the umpires or management prior to or at halftime for penalties to be applied (if penalties have not already been applied), inclusive of but not limited to late points, uniform penalties & ineligible players.
9.1 Responsibilities of the Team Captain/Manager/Organiser are:
a. Prior to the match:
Ensure sufficient player numbers to start the game;
Ensure that their fixture has been paid for in advance and;
Check in registered players and add any new players via online portal.
b. During the match:
c. After the match:
Thank umpires and opposition team;
Provide competition feedback to Sports Management Team if necessary.
Communicate suspensions, complaints and feedback to relevant team members once received in a timely manner (act as the information carrier for their team).
10.1 All players in each team are required to present themselves in conforming uniforms for each match. Uniforms are to have the same colour and shade.
10.2 All players participating in basketball and futsal fixtures must display a unique number on the backs of their jerseys i.e. all players musts display different numbers at all times.
10.3 All players participating in netball fixtures must supply their own netball bibs with the appropriate positions clearly labelled on the front and back. The Cockburn ARC will only supply bibs in the event of a strip clash.
10.4 Participants may not wear jewellery, watches, pins, or other dangerous items. Fingernails may be taped, cut or gloved at the discretion of the umpires/referees. Tape is not provided by The Cockburn ARC, and it is the responsibility of the player to ensure that they comply with the above.
10.5 If a player’s uniform is deemed to be unacceptable by the umpire/referee, Senior Activity Leader or Sports Supervisor, a bib must be worn by that player. The Cockburn ARC will not be responsible for providing bibs unless there is a bib clash (as mentioned above).
10.6 A uniform will be deemed unacceptable under the following circumstances, including (but not limited to):
10.7 A grace period of three (3) weeks will be allowed from the commencement of the season for teams to be in conforming uniforms. Following this period, officials will begin enforcing appropriate penalties. The points penalty system is below:
Basketball: 3 points per player;
Netball: 2 goals per player and;
Futsal: 1 goal per player.
10.8 Uniform issues will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of the Sports Management Team.
10.9 New teams or individuals joining a team during the course of a season may be given some leeway with regards to correct uniform at the discretion of the Sports Management Team.
11.1 The penalty for playing illegal players is automatic forfeiture of the match in which the offence occurred.
11.2 Illegal players will be defined as the following:
Players under suspension;
Players who are too old for their division (Juniors specific);
Players participating under an assumed name;
Players ineligible for finals fixtures;
Unregistered players and;
Underage players (Seniors specific)
Players who breach the sport-specific playing rules
11.3 A player knowingly playing under an assumed name may be reported for misconduct to Management, which may result in a loss of competition points at the discretion of the Sports Supervisor.
12.1 Cockburn ARC will endeavour to provide two (2) experienced and/or qualified umpires/referees for each Netball and Basketball match, and one (1) for each Futsal and Volleyball match. Teams are still required to pay the full game fee of $77.00 for Seniors and $66.00 for Juniors in the event a fixture has one umpire or referee. Teams are expected to show patience and understanding for referees who are still gaining experience. The City of Cockburn is committed to providing a safe working environment for all of its employees and will take a zero-tolerance stance on abusive or intimidating behaviour towards umpires or referees.
12.2 Responsibilities of the Umpire/Referee
a. Prior to the match:
To inspect the condition of playing area, ball and equipment;
To ensure all players are wearing the correct uniform, and;
To check all players’ nails and jewellery.
b. At all times:
To apply the Cockburn ARC’s By-Laws and sport-specific rules to all matches, and;
To provide the highest customer service to all players and patrons.
12.3. During play, the umpire/referee’s decision is final, and they shall not permit any discussion about their decision. However, at the request of the Team Captain, umpires/referees may provide an explanation on their interpretation of the rules. This explanation may be given at half or full time only.
13.1 Seniors games will run in a 40 minute timeslots, consisting of two eighteen-minute halves with a one minute half time break, from 6pm and finishing at 10pm. Juniors games will run in a 35 minute timeslot, consisting of two sixteen-minute halves with a one minute half time break, from 4pm to 8.10pm. All registered teams are required to be available for all fixture times.
13.2 Teams must field a minimum number of players in order to start the match, as outlined below:
Basketball: four (4) players;
Netball: five (5) players;
Futsal: four (4) players and;
Volleyball: four (4) players.
13.3 If a team has fewer than the minimum required players to start the match, every one (1) minute that play is late, the opposing team will be awarded points/goals as follows:
Netball: one (1) goal per minute;
Futsal: one (1) goal every two (2) minutes and;
Volleyball: two (2) points per minute.
13.3 If a team does not have the required minimum number of players on court and ready to play within ten (10) minutes of the scheduled starting time, it shall be deemed a ‘no-show’, and they shall lose the match on a forfeit and be required to pay their usual game fee and an additional forfeit fee.
13.4 The clock will not be paused during matches for any reason.
14.1 Competition points will be awarded as follows:
a. Win: four (4) points;
b. Loss: one (1) point;
c. Draw: two (2) points;
d. Forfeit: minus two (-2) points;
e. Bye: zero (0) points and;
f. Forfeit loss:
Netball: 20-0;
Basketball: 20-0;
Futsal: 3-0 and;
Volleyball: 3-0.
14.2 To account for uneven competitions where byes exist, the following formula will be used to adjust points (and therefore ladder):
Total points / Total games played = Final fixtured season points
Byes will not count as games played. Only fixtured matches will be included in this to determine final ladder standings prior to finals.
14.3 In the event of a Centre-wide shut down, and competitions have been suspended by Management, teams will not earn any competition points to ensure fairness across all teams.
Cockburn ARC will aim to fixture byes evenly across the competition, however, when competition numbers do not allow for an even amount of byes per team, they will be randomly generated by Spawtz.
15.1 Each team shall be permitted to have an unlimited number of substitute players during regular season fixtures, provided all players are registered on the Spawtz online portal and are not classified as an illegal player, as per Clause 11.
16.1 A fixture may be abandoned in the following situations, including (but not limited to):
16.2 The final outcome of abandoned games will be determined by Management.
16.2.1 A full credit will be provided should more than half of a fixture be abandoned. Should at least half of a fixture be played, no credit will be provided. Team behaviour will be considered by the Sports Management Team in applying credits – all credits will be applied at the discretion of the Sports Management team.
17.1 To participate in semi-finals and finals, a player must be registered on Spawtz and have participated in a minimum of four (4) games, (grading fixtures may be included in this).
17.2 Finals will be in the following format for all sports unless Management decides otherwise:
Semi Finals
Game 1: 1st vs. 4th;
Game 2: 2nd vs. 3rd.
Grand Final
3rd vs. 4th Playoff
Please note: All teams play two (2) weeks of finals matches regardless of finishing position (unless in the case of a competition with uneven number of teams, at which point the lowest team on the ladder will be given a bye for the first round of finals, and the second week will be at the discretion of the Sports Management Team). Divisions with uneven numbers will be provided with notice of games at the discretion of the Sports Management Team.
17.3 In the event of a drawn finals fixture at the end of the match, the sport-specific rules shall apply as follows:
Basketball: Teams shall play one round of five (5) minutes without rest. If a further draw occurs, after extra time, a further period will be played until a minimum of three (3) points exists, with the winner being the team ahead.
Netball: Teams shall play one round of five (5) minutes without rest. If a further draw occurs, an additional period will be played until a margin of two (2) points exists, with the winner being the team ahead.
Futsal: Teams shall play one round of five (5) minutes. If a further draw occurs, teams will go to a penalty shootout, with the winner determined by the team scoring the most goals after five (5) attempts. If a further draw occurs, teams will go to sudden death (goal-for-goal) with the winner determined by the team scoring the first goal unmatched by the other team. Each player is allowed only one (1) attempt during the penalty shootout until all other players have had an attempt.
Volleyball: If the match is in the third set, the winner of the match is the team who is up by at least two (2) points at the end of the timeslot. If the timeslot is up and the third set is tied or one team is up by one point, the game will continue until one team is up by two (2) points.
17.4 Any team with money outstanding at the end of a regular season (completion defined by 5pm the day of the first finals fixture) will be ineligible to play finals.
17.5 In the event that a team which finishes in the top four at the end of a regular season informs the Sports Management Team that they are unable to play in the finals prior to finals fixtures being produced, the team which finishes fifth will be brought into fourth position.
17.6 Teams that fail to qualify for top four (4) finals will still receive fixtures during semi-finals week and grand-final week.
18.1 Teams forfeiting a future regular season game at any point throughout the season will still be required to pay their normal game fee, as per Clause 2.2.
18.2 Teams forfeiting a regular game the day before their scheduled fixture are required to pay their normal game fee only ($77.00 for Seniors & $66.00 for Juniors).
18.3 Teams forfeiting a regular game the day of their scheduled fixture are required to pay two (2) times their normal game fee ($77.00 for Seniors & $66.00 for Juniors) amounting to $154.00 for Seniors and $132.00 for Juniors before they take the court for their next scheduled fixture.
18.4 Any late fees are required to be paid by no later than 5pm for Seniors ($87) and 3pm for Juniors ($76) on the day of the next scheduled fixture. If fees are not paid, they will be automatically charged to a team’s nominated credit card at the next payment cycle.
18.5 Teams forfeiting a scheduled fixture must complete the online forfeit form in order for their forfeit to be processed.
18.6 The Sports Supervisor in conjunction with the Sports Team Leader reserves the right to suspend a team from competition if three (3) forfeits occur within the same season. Suspensions may remain until all monies are paid in full.
18.7 In the event of a forfeit, the non-offending team shall receive a credit unless they take part in a scratch match or general court usage.
18.7.1 It is the policy of the Sports Team to find a team to participate in a scratch match against the non-offending team without cancelling the fixture entirely. A credit will be awarded if there are no available teams to participate in the scratch match. Please note that all scratch matches will not be counted as a standard fixture and will not contribute to overall ladder positioning.
19.1 Withdrawal from a competition anytime during a season, inclusive of grading, regular fixtures and finals, will result in a three (3) game payment fee ($231.00 for Seniors & $198 for Juniors).
19.2 Withdrawal from competitions must be done in writing to opens in a new window. Application of this fee will be approved by the Sports Management Team.
20.1 Players and spectators shall be subject to the Behaviour Management Guidelines as per Appendix 1 in the event of any and all stadium misconduct, including but not limited to sport-specific conduct.
20.1.1 Application of the Guidelines during matches are at the umpire/referee’s discretion and are subject to their interpretation.
20.1.2 Application of the Guidelines prior to or after matches are at Management’s discretion, including but not limited to Sports Supervisors, Sports Team Leader, or Centre Management. Management may refer to the Suspension Guidelines as provided for in Appendix 2 in the event of further escalation beyond a sport-specific consequence as stated in Appendix 1.
20.2 Misconduct shall include, (but is not limited to):
Abusive language;
Unsporting conduct;
Undue rough play;
Resisting, striking, and attempted striking and;
Violating Terms and Conditions of Entry of the Cockburn ARC.
20.3 Player and spectator incident reports will be reviewed by Management, which reserves the right to suspend a player, team, or spectator from the competition and/or stadium.
21.1 Reported players or spectators who are suspended will be advised by Management via the Team Organiser/Manager on Sport Managements behalf in accordance to the Suspension Guidelines as per Appendix 2.
21.2 Suspension Appeal Process:
a. Any suspension or penalty may be appealed by the Team Captain/Organiser in writing to the Sports Management Team within 48 hours of being notified of the suspension.
b. Should an appeal be submitted and processed within the aforementioned timeframe, a cost of $200.00 will be required to be paid for by the individual appealing prior to the Appeals Panel investigation occurring (to cover staff costs). This fee is non-refundable.
c. An Appeals Panel consisting of objective third party City of Cockburn employees (pre-nominated) will be notified and a meeting organised, and the information used in the investigation will be provided to the panel by Senior Sports Management.
d. The Appeals Panel consider the existing information and charges as an objective assessment and may decide to either increase, maintain or decrease the penalty/s.
e. The Team Captain/Organiser will be notified of the outcome within seven (7) days of the appeal fee ($200.00) being paid.
21.3 Individuals directly involved in incidents are permitted to submit a one paragraph (no more than 250 words) statement of their recount of events to be included in the appeal investigation. This statement must be submitted at the time of appeal.
21.4 Management reserves the right to place players and/or teams on “good behaviour bonds” if their behaviour throughout the season regularly consists of anti-social behaviour. If that team and/or player is to commit any sort of offence after being placed on a good behaviour bond, it will then be escalated, potentially resulting in suspension or removal from the competition (penalty applied will be at the discretion of the Sports Team Leader in conjunction with the Sports Supervisor).
21.5 If a player is ejected from a scheduled game more than twice throughout a regular season, they may be prevented from playing in any future competitions.
22.1 All players/spectators are responsible for their own insurance.
22.2 All players/spectators play/engage at their own risk.
22.3 All players/spectators authorise the Cockburn ARC to obtain medical/ambulance assistance for them in the case of an accident or emergency involving them and agree to reimburse the Cockburn ARC on demand for all costs incurred in obtaining such assistance.
23.1 The Cockburn ARC recommends that all players/spectators check with their doctor before playing or partaking in any physical activity. The Cockburn ARC will not be held responsible for any injuries or medical conditions sustained prior to or externally to any participation in the Cockburn ARC’s competitions.
23.2 Concussion Policy: Should a head knock occur during a match, umpires/referees will recommend the completion of a Concussion check using the ‘Head Check’ mobile app. This will be available on a tablet which the Senior Activity Leader can lend, otherwise it can be downloaded for free on your mobile device.
23.2.1 Participants may decline to complete this check. Should they decline this, the umpire/Senior Activity Leader may eject the player from the fame if in their duty of care to provide a safe match, they deem the individual unfit to continue playing.
23.2.2 Severe head knocks resulting in unconsciousness, vomiting, reasonable confusion i.e. not knowing what happened, will result in the umpire/referee and Senior Activity Leader refusing return to the game for the individual.
24.1 Forfeiting teams must pay any due fines either prior to the next fixture or within 14 days (or next automated payment cycle) of the forfeit date (only where it is the last fixture of the season).
24.2 Any teams with outstanding debt will be contacted directly by the Sports Management Team. If a payment dispute cannot be resolved by the next payment cycle, a team’s participation in a competition may be suspended until the account can be settled.
24.3 Teams who miss three (3) consecutive payments OR four (4) non-consecutive payments across the season may be deemed unfinancial and removed or suspended from current or future competitions.
24.3 The Cockburn ARC reserves the right to engage a debt collection agency should an outstanding amount not be cleared by a team within a fortnight (14 days) of the first failed transaction.
The actions listed below are non-binding guidelines used by the Cockburn ARC Sports Team to determine stadium misconduct in a sport-specific context, which may result in the person in question being subject to further suspension as per Appendix 2.
First and Final Warning: Player is notified that the behaviour demonstrated is unacceptable or unnecessary and the relevant sport-specific consequences as detailed below will apply.
2. Sport-specific consequences:
Basketball: technical foul, resulting in one (1) free throw and possession;
Netball: player suspension, resulting in the player sitting out of the game for two (2) minutes;
Futsal: yellow card, resulting in the player sitting out of the game for two (2) minutes) and;
Volleyball: yellow card, resulting in a point awarded to the opposition and a loss of service.
Final sport-specific consequences, resulting in the player no longer participating in the match, and may result in ejection from the Centre at Management’s discretion if behaviour is deemed extreme by the Senior Activity Leader or Sports Supervisor (whomever of the two present is most senior):
Basketball: second technical foul;
Netball: order off;
Futsal: red card and;
Volleyball: red card.
It is the responsibility of the umpire/referee to apply Steps 1-3 at their discretion, and participants should be aware that all sport-specific consequences are subject to the interpretation of the umpire/referee in question.
Any further actions undertaken by the participant subject to behaviour management can result in an immediate ejection from the facility and/or further suspension from the competition, in accordance to the guidelines as per Appendix 2.
Please note, all behavioural breaches that management deem not severe enough to warrant a suspension will be recorded. Sports Management are not required to notify team organisers every time this occurs.
- The actions listed below are non-binding guidelines used by the Cockburn ARC Sports Supervisor to determine appropriate suspension periods.
- Please note that any suspension handed down is at the discretion of the Sports Supervisor (in conjunction with the Sports Team Leader where relevant), who may consider context when determining an appropriate suspension.
Misconduct | Penalty (Suspension Timeline) |
Abusive or offensive comments, swearing, yelling, badgering, derogatory or obscene remarks toward any player, spectator, official or Management | 1-3 weeks |
Racial abuse or swearing that cannot be contained by sensible direction from an Official or Management | 2-6 weeks |
Ejection from the game | 1 week (at Managements discretion) |
Ejection from the venue | 1-2 weeks |
Offensive gestures, deliberate provocation, baiting of opponents | 1-3 weeks |
Playing under an assumed name or playing whilst already suspended/not registered on Spawtz online portal | 1 week |
Endangering players, umpire/referees, or spectators with reckless or unsafe gestures and/or behaviour | 2-3 weeks |
Spitting on floor/players/officials/Management | 3-8 weeks |
Threatening gestures, words or actions towards any player, official or Management | 1-6 weeks |
Any physical contact made with an official, Management or player in an unwelcome, intimidating or aggressive manner – this includes proximity to an official, Management or player or using one’s physical stature to invade another’s personal space | 4-8 weeks |
Threatening gestures, words or actions towards a player, official or Management which may constitute a genuine threat to their safety and/or danger to life | 1 year – permanent ban |
Any undue physical action used to gain unfair advantage (i.e tripping, elbowing, jumping, running into other people, tunnelling, deliberate barging of an opponent, official or Management | 1-3 weeks |
Pushing that causes another person to stagger or fall, and/or causes injury | 2-6 weeks |
Intentional contact with an official or Management, including but not limited to pushing, shoving, or undue physical actions | 4 weeks – permanent ban |
Attempted striking | 2-6 weeks |
Slapping, hitting, kicking, butting, or other striking actions delivered with apparent intent to harm | 3-15 weeks |
Malicious or multiple striking actions delivered with apparent intent to injure or cause serious harm | 1 year – permanent ban |
Choking or choking actions | 1 year – permanent ban |
Refusal to obey a reasonable and legal instruction given by an umpire or referee, Management, and/or Security | 1-3 weeks |
APPENDIX 3: Junior Social Sports Age-Specific Basketball Rules
Under 8's
Size 5 ball
8’6 rim height
Teams must be behind halfway when the offensive team is bringing the ball up the court and cannot run over until the offensive team is over halfway. This is applied after a score and after a violation.
No keyway violation
No back-court violation
Free throws to be taken from the white semi-circle
No fouls are recorded
No 8 second violation
No 5 second violation
Umpire according to skill level of game
Mercy rule: If a team reaches a 20 point lead, any score made from there won’t be added on to the score, until the lead reduces below 15 points. The 20 point mercy rule will be replicated on Spawtz scoring and ladder system post-game.
Under 10's
Size 5 ball
8’6 rim height
Teams must be behind halfway when the offensive team is bringing the ball up the court and cannot run over until the offensive team is over halfway. This is applied after a score and after a violation.
No keyway violation
No back court violation
Free throws to be taken from the free throw line
No fouls are recorded
No 8 second violation
No 5 second violation
Umpire according to skill level of game
Mercy rule: If a team reaches a 20 point lead, any score made from there won’t be added on to the score, until the lead reduces below 15 points. The 20 point mercy rule will be replicated on Spawtz scoring and ladder system post-game.
Under 12's
Under 14's
Size 6 ball
10ft rim height
All rules applied
Fouls are recorded
Under 16's
Size 7 ball
10ft rim height
All rules applied
- Perceived intent and remorse (as determined at the time of breach, or at latest if an attempt to remorse is made prior to 10:15pm that evening) will be considered by the Sports Supervisor when suspension timelines are being determined.
- Suspensions may be applied in an accumulative manner, should the Sports Supervisor deem it warranted. i.e. a suspension of two (2) weeks may be applied for ejection from the centre, with an additional two (2) weeks suspension applied for pushing. This would result in a total suspension of four (4) weeks.
- Management reserves the right to apply a long-term suspension (long-term deemed six (6) months inclusive or longer) or a permanent ban from any programs at Cockburn ARC if they feel the behaviour is repeated or the risk of repeated offense (resulting in physical or psychological trauma) is high.
- Under the Cockburn ARC Conditions of Entry (Clause 2), Spectators will be deemed sports patrons (as an extension of sports players/teams) and are therefore subject to the Sports By-Laws. Should Spectator behaviour be reported in breach of the Sports By-Laws, Management will be within their right to issue suspensions to Spectators.