• Alerts (3) Click to view
    Current alerts 21 January 2025
    • The waterslides will be closed until further notice.

      find out more
    • Spa will be closed from Monday 6 January to Friday 14 February due to scheduled maintenance.

      All day
    • The aquatics area will close for the day at 4pm at the end of the Footy Splash event.

      12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
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  • What's on (2) Click to view
    What's on today 21 January 2025
    • FREE family event - Footy Splash! All ages welcome to our aquatics open day. DJ, entertainment, pools & meet the Dockers.

      12:00 PM - 4:00 PM 21 January 2025 Find out more
    • Join us on the grass every Tuesday morning for Sunrise Yoga!

      5:45 AM about sunrise yoga
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  • Opening Hours Click to view
    Today's Opening Hours 21 January 2025
    • Gym (staffed hours)

      5:00 AM - 9:00 PM
    • Stadium

      5:30 AM - 3:30 PM
    • Carnaby's Club Crèche

      8:45 AM - 12:45 PM
    • Plunge+Co Café

      6:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    • Waterslides

    • General Entry and Aquatics

      5:30 AM - 4:00 PM
    • 50m Outdoor Pool

      5:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Keeping the ARC Safe

Keeping the ARC Safe

Nothing is more important to us than the health and safety of our members, community and staff.

We are following all the Phase 2 guidelines as announced by the Premier on Sunday 10 May. We will shift to Phase 3 guidelines on Saturday 6 June.

Until Saturday 6 June, we are only able to open 2 pools with a capacity of 20 people each, and group fitness, also capped at 20 people. The gym is not  available for individual training, however there is some gymfit classes.

We will be doing our best to make this as smooth as possible for everyone, so please be understanding as we settle in. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Are you changing your opening hours?
Opening hours will remain as per standard staffed hours prior to close for areas available to members of public. We recommended you view opening hours on our website regularly, as they are subject to change.

24/7 access to the health club will not be available during this phase.
What areas will remain closed indefinitely?
The following areas will not be available during this phase:
  • Gym access other than for scheduled Gymfit classes
  • Spa, steam room and sauna
  • Stadium - for any activity including social sports and casual shooting
  • Cafe
  • Creche
  • Cycle Studio
  • Waterplay and learn to swim pools.
Can I come to the ARC without having a booking?
No, you must have booked and paid for a session to be able to enter the centre during this phase.
Can I bring someone with me?
No, not unless that person is your carer. Then, we will need to know in advance so we can cap our numbers to accommodate your carer. There will be no spectators allowed. Please contact us on info@cockburnarc.com.au or on 9411 3344  if you would like to visit the centre with your carer.
Will I need to visit the kiosk and print off a ticket for my session?
Yes, there will be kiosks at the entry to the centre that you will need to scan your band to receive your ticket.
Can I use visit passes to attend the centre?
No, not in this phase. Your visit pass expiry will be extended to acknowledge this.
I do not feel comfortable attending, what will happen to my membership?
All of our memberships will continue to be suspended for the time being. There is no action that you need to take, and you will not be charged.
How do I book into a session?
You book into a session in the same way you book into a group fitness session. Bookings open 3 hours in advance. Just visit our timetable (available next week), select a class in the 3 hour booking window and it will take you to the member portal to book into that class and pay your $5.20. If the session is greyed out, it means that all the spaces are taken.

Instructions for booking into class
Session timetable
Who can I contact if I have further questions?
We understand there is much information to digest and understand during phase 2 restrictions. If you need any help understanding this information or would like to speak to someone in person, please email us at info@cockburnarc.com.au, private message us on facebook or contact us on 9411 3344 between 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Our new health and safety protocols

Please familiarise yourself with our new protocols:

Our staff will not work if they're ill.
Every staff member will be required to stay home should they have a cough, fever or any symptoms. Staff will not be back at work for a minimum of three days after symptom-free and will be required to self-quarantine for 14 days should they knowingly come into close contact with someone who has tested positive to COVID-19.

You must stay home if you're ill.
You are also expected to stay home if you  have a cough, fever or any flu like symptoms. We ask that you stay home for three days after being symptom free before visiting the centre. Should you  knowingly come into close contact with someone who has tested positive to COVID-19, please self-quarantine and do not visit the centre for 14 days. Where mandated by our government, we’ll check the temperature of all visitors as they enter the centre.

Our staff will stay behind the screen.
Our team are here to help you, from a safe distance. Sneeze screens have been installed at all service areas for our members and staffs safety. Our team have been in training and are under instruction to not leave their desk, aside from when undertaking cleaning.

Attend your training session and then leave.
We ask that you come to train and then you leave. As much as we love a good chat with you all, during this time we need you to get in, do your exercise and return to the safety of your home. We will all catch up for a chat over coffee when this is all over.

Use  the sanistisers every time.
We have installed motion activated hand sanitising stations throughout the centre so you can sanitise on arrival, during your sessions and on your way out. Please ensure you are using these at the start of your visit and at regular intervals throughout.

Booking and checking in

You must book all your visits in advance, including lap swimming and warm water usage.
This is to make sure we don’t go over the restricted numbers for each zone and no one needs to wait in a queue for a place to become available. 

Practice social distanciing.
Our staff will monitor the social distancing requirements in the centre. To help, please consider the current restrictions and keep to them so our staff don’t need to have an  awkward conversation with you. To help, floor markers will indicate safe distances.

Fewer places in group fitness classes.
Nothing changes in the way you book into your classes, however there will only be a maximum of 20 places available. You will also only be able to attend one class per day.

Try to bring your water from home.
The mouth pieces from all water fountains have been removed however you are still able to fill up your water bottles. We encourage you to bring fresh water in your bottle from home to avoid the need to use them at all.  

After you train

No acccess to showers
Showers will be unavailable until further notice. We are really encouraging you to come just for your exercise.

Towels and water bottles can be purchased
Our retail shop will not be available at this time, however should you forget to bring your towel or water bottle we have these available for purchase at reception downstairs.


Our commitment to health and safety

We’ve made positive changes to our operations, all designed to keep our members, staff and community safe.

Here are all the changes you can expect:

High-grade disinfectant and more frequent cleaning

We have significantly increased our cleaning regime.  This includes the use of disinfectant proven to kill viruses like COVID-19 in all areas of the facility. Special attention will be given to the cardio equipment, weights, pin-loaded machines and all high-touch surfaces after every use. The group fitness equipment will be cleaned between every use and further cleaning to studios will be done daily.

Disinfecting high-touch surfaces

Throughout every day the ramped up cleaning team will be disinfecting hand rails, lockers, bathrooms, sinks, toilets, benches, keyboards, computers and phones.

Giving you access to cleaning products

While we will have minimal equipment in group fitness classes, we have increased the number of wipes dispensers and will be ensuring everyone wipes down their equipment before and after every use.

Our member and visitor expectations

We need you to do your part.

While you have expectations of what we will do to keep ARC safe, we also have expectations of you:
  • Practice social distancing when in the centre. If asked by our team to adjust your positioning please follow their guidance.
  • You must clean any equipment you use every single time. 
  • You must have a towel.
  • If you have a cough, fever, or symptoms of COVID-19, please do not come to the centre until you are symptom free and fever-free for three days.
  • If you have tested positive for COVID-19, or have knowingly come into close contact with someone who has, please do not come to centre and self-quarantine for 14 days or tested negative for COVID-19.
  • If you have any concerns about coming to the centre to exercise, please stay home and stay safe. During this time you have unlimited suspension days and we look forward to seeing your friendly faces when you feel it’s safe for you to return.
  • Give us some slack. While the new normal may be challenging, it's just what needs to happen. Also, many decisions are out of our hands, so let's just get on with it!
  • Much as we love hugs, handshakes and high fives we are encouraging you to limit all person to person contact during this time. You are our family but right now, safety is the highest priority.